Discover How to Maximize your Business Success in 2024 with the Cloud

By Madata

Maximize Business with Cloud
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In a business world immersed in the digital revolution, the cloud emerges as the epicenter of transformation. Next year 2024 promises a technological boom, with organizations allocating approximately 8% of their budget to investments in technology, according to Gartner analysis. Within this panorama, the cloud is consolidated as the fundamental pillar in transformation projects, exploration of artificial intelligence and other innovative solutions. 

Chief technology officers (CIOs) are strategizing around environmental uncertainty, inflation, and geopolitical tensions that impact financial planning. 

Following the trends in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the analyzes of specialized business consultancies, we present the perspectives that will mark the business digital transformation through the cloud in 2024. 

Discover the 5 Essential Keys 

1. Intelligent Cloud Hybridization: 

According to data from Penteo, 71% of companies already adopt a hybrid cloud model, merging their traditional systems with the agility of the public cloud. This strategy, which combines public clouds, private clouds, and internal data centers, offers optimal flexibility and security by allowing the choice of the best location for applications and workloads. 

2. Application Modernization: 

Technology experts highlight the urgency of updating digital infrastructures to obtain the desired agility. The transition to cloud-native microservices architectures replaces old monolithic systems, providing greater flexibility and efficiency in developing and updating applications. 

3. Financial Optimization and Efficiency: 

CIOs will prioritize projects that optimize resources and control costs in an environment of increasing cloud use and rising supplier prices. Financial management, with methodologies such as FinOps, will be key to balancing resources and expenses. 

4. Comprehensive Security: 

The increase in cybersecurity investments is evident due to growing cyber threats. Strategies like Zero Trust and models like SASE will be common to prevent and respond to these threats. 

5. Cloud and Artificial Intelligence: 

The cloud will be vital to scale AI and access pre-trained models, facilitating its adoption and development, especially in the field of generative AI. 

How does a hybrid cloud work? 

In this dynamic technological scenario, the cloud becomes the main driver of digital transformation. Its correct implementation and management are essential for business success in 2024. 

We invite you to think of Madata as your strategic ally, solidly established in Mexico and the USA. With a wide portfolio of services that includes IT as a Service, Tech Solutions, Cybersecurity and SAP Consulting, we are prepared to face any challenge that arises in your organization, and accompany you in the search for the digital transformation you need. 


Sources: Gartner, Penteo, Byte Magazine, Google 

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