Discover the Essence of SAP S/4HANA: Unveiling its Characteristics

By Madata

SAP S/4HANA's characteristics represented with icons
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Surely you have come to this post either because your company has reached the point of growth where a Business Management System is the solution to integrate its different departments, carry out end-to-end control, and automate its processes, or perhaps you already use ERP Software, but it has become obsolete or stopped meeting your expectations, and you want to migrate to another ERP System, or perhaps you are in the research stage and want to know more about the solutions that SAP offers. If you are here for one of these reasons, welcome to discover the powerful SAP S/4HANA ERP software.

The Power of Business Management Within Your Company's Reach

To clear up your doubts, we want to discuss four things: Why SAP is considered the best solution in ERP Systems? What differentiates SAP S/4HANA Cloud from other ERPs? Features of SAP S/4HANA. Get to know Madata, a partner SAP official. 


Why Is SAP Considered the Best Solution in ERP Systems? 

Let's warm up and understand what SAP represents. 

  • Created in 1972 by 5 IBM employees in Weinheim, Germany.
  • Its letters mean: “Systems, Applications, and Products in Data Processing.”
  • 77% of global transaction revenue goes through a SAP system. 
  • More than 404,000 companies in 180 countries use it. 
  • 3 out of 4 companies that appear on the Forbes 500 list run their operations on SAP.

SAP Is the Market Leader in ERP Software

What differentiates SAP S/4HANA Cloud from other ERPs?

In addition to its track record, experience, and international mastery of business management systems, SAP offers the necessary tools to redesign the business processes of any company, regardless of its industry and size. 

SAP S/4HANA is one step beyond a system that records data. It is responsible for providing the information necessary to make decisions in real time. 

One of the main reasons that lead a company to implement SAP is “information in silos”, that is, when the company's information is stored in different databases. This creates difficulty in decision-making, duplicate work, and a very important point, spending time working with data instead of using it to make decisions. 

Learn more about the benefits of RISE with SAP S/4HANA Cloud.

SAP S/4HANA Features

Let's talk about some interesting facts:

  • It has 8 modules, structured in such a way that they will achieve the digital transformation you need. These are Asset Management, Finance, Manufacturing, R&D and Engineering, Sales, Service, Sourcing and Purchasing, and Supply Chain.
  • It is difficult to generalize an SAP S/4HANA implementation, but based on experience, 75% of companies that migrated from their existing SAP Business Suite on HANA to S/4HANA did so within six months.
  • SAP is a modular system; You can activate different modules according to the growth of your needs.
  • According to several studies, using SAP improves operational performance from 1.7% to 4.2%.
  • SAP has more than +21,000 partner companies around the world at your disposal for consulting, implementation, and functional support processes. 
At Madata we take care of SAP S/4HANA Functional Support, click and discover how we do it.

Madata: Official SAP Partner

Madata IT is an Information Technology services company present in Mexico and the United States of America. With more than 20 years of experience, it offers solutions in SAP Implementation and Functional Support, IT as a Service, and sales, configuration, and technical support of software and hardware infrastructure. 

Are you interested in ERP consulting? Discover how SAP S/4HANA can be the ideal solution to achieve your company's digital transformation.

Write to us at, a Madata specialist will assist you.

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