Optimizing Resources: Economic Efficiency of Cybersecurity

By Madata

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Next Friday, November 30, we celebrate "International Computer Security Day"! On this special occasion, we want to share with you three key statistics provided by Dell Technologies. These data will surely change your perspective on cybersecurity in organizations. 

For many years, Dell Technologies and Intel have collaborated closely to develop solutions that not only ensure the security of computing environments, but also generate significant savings. 

Dell's product lines, such as Dell Trusted Infrastructure and Dell Trusted Workplace, are built on the strong principles of Zero Trust. They represent a modern, resilient and intelligent technological foundation that expands opportunities to protect your customers. By incorporating Intel's cryptographic security, they offer a safer and smoother user experience. 

Now, we will share with you three statistics about how the implementation of cybersecurity can positively impact an organization: 

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How to design a scalable and secure IT infrastructure?

This data is essential to understanding the direct economic impact of investing in digital security. At Madata, as an official partner of Dell Technologies, we are prepared to be your strategic ally in protecting your valuable digital assets. 

Source: DELL 

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