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Does Your SME Require Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)?

Written by Madata | Jan 24, 2023 3:30:00 PM

Let's start by understanding ERP. In English, ERP is an acronym for Enterprise Resource Planning. ERP is software that allows you to integrate and automate company processes and data on a single platform, facilitating data management and organization in real-time.

ERP was created mainly to manage the flow of data generated by a company's different departments accurately and reliably. Since 1960, when the first commercial computers came onto the market, the foundations for automated management, planning tools, inventories, etc., have been laid. These tools have been used by large companies and have generalized the idea that large investments are required to have ERP systems.

However, today, many options have been developed for SMEs that allow them to fully control their business with adjusted investments.

SMEs represent 99.8% of the Mexican business fabric. Therefore, it is important for these entrepreneurs to know the great advantage that an ERP system can provide to their business, leaving aside the idea that an ERP is for corporations.

As we said, today, regardless of its size, all companies can have an ERP system.

Unfortunately, in Mexico, 6% of SMEs invest in strategic planning, while only 1% have an ERP system, 70% use simple administrative software, and the rest do not have clear control.

What Can I Achieve with an ERP in my SME?

- Strategic analysis.

- 360ยบ Vision of Business Processes.

- Automation and Optimization of all daily operations.

- Reduction in operating costs.

- Generation of reports in real-time for timely decision-making.

- Integration and standardization of business processes. Elimination of duplicate efforts.

- Data security.

Are you interested in transforming your business to adapt to a competitive business environment, improve your positioning, and anticipate problems?

At Madata, we offer Process Consulting to define the best ERP option for your business. We can also help you adjust your processes so that they are optimal based on our deep knowledge of the industry. Our proposed solutions are focused on operating your business efficiently and seeking an excellent return on your investment.

You will have the power to manage your business comprehensively. Write to us at, and an expert consultant will advise you on choosing the system that best suits your needs.

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