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Cloud Security Risks and How to Prevent Them

Written by Madata | Jan 17, 2023 3:30:00 PM

When discussing cloud security, we first seek to identify whether our provider has sufficient security, experience, and the corresponding audits or correct planning. However, the biggest security risks are still the people you see in your daily work life. According to the Cloud Security Alliance's latest "Top Threats to Cloud Computing" report on the HealthITSecurity website, the red flag comes from within the enterprise. 

Based on this report, more than 700 cybersecurity professionals were surveyed. The results showed that the top 11 threats to cloud security include insecure interfaces and APIs, poorly made configurations, and a lack of security architecture and strategy on the cloud. The real threat is not a guy with glasses in a dark room; it is Perla from accounting, Juan from inventories, and even Pedro from systems. 

There are three main cloud computing services, and each of them covers a certain degree of service.

Today, cloud security has moved from service providers to adopters. If you ask service providers who bear the responsibility of maintaining strong digital security, they assume their responsibility but also demand that adopters know what their responsibility is. If you ask the company's employees, they will answer that it is the service provider's responsibility to have good digital security.

Cybersecurity in the Cloud

The main message is that the lack of a security strategy and architecture tops the cloud security vulnerabilities list. Second place is a lack of training, processes, and checks to prevent configuration errors. Of course, lack of security planning and architecture are part of the reasons configuration errors occur in the first place.

But by digging deeper into the root of the problem, we will understand that the problem is the lack of resources allocated to cybersecurity. Companies that do not define an ideal budget or that cannot spend the money necessary for a security plan will probably present problems. In addition, companies must adequately train their employees on digital security issues until they change the mentality to “zero trust.” 

Fortunately, the solutions to security problems are not so complex to define. They allocate a greater number of resources and focus on cloud security. The solution includes a solid security plan that will be built upon for at least the next five years to protect your systems. 

It is usually more difficult to define how we will change the culture than to implement the changes. However, involving all company members and avoiding an apathetic attitude to change is extremely important. 

The use of technologies is increasing daily, which represents greater risks to our systems. If you really want to protect your company, you must take concrete actions to achieve this. 

At Madata, we are aware of these risks, which is why we provide the best solution to protect your company's digital security. Write to us at, and our cybersecurity specialists will assist you.